Scan Report

Searching "maquillage" on Google Maps for:

Laurel MaquillageView on Google
596 Rue Kirouac #3, Québec, QC G1N 2H8
Make-up artist


Searched using a 9 x 9 grid with a 1.0mi radius covering 4mi2

The center point for this grid is 46.8063133, -71.2385037

Search performed on November 6, 2023, 10:38 AM

AI Report Analysis

We analyzed organic Google search results near Quebec, Canada for queries related to your business, Laurel Maquillage. Out of the 40 competitors in this area, you have shown excellent scores in our Average Rank Position (ARP), Average Total Rank Position (ATRP), and Share of Local Voice (SoLV) metrics. This means that you are ranking well and performing better than most of your competitors. However, it's important to note that there is always room for improvement and that competitors can still overtake your position. To further optimize your business profile, you may want to explore more competitive keywords or consider expanding your search radius. On the positive side, you have a 4.9-star rating and 60 reviews, which is impressive. In terms of performance by region, you have achieved very good results across all regions: east, south, southeast, north, southwest, northeast, west, and northwest. To continue building and maintaining a strong online presence, we suggest focusing on areas where your business listing could improve. Keep up the great work!


MinorOrganic search results for your business name and address are showing 1172661945 instead of (418) 922-3798 here.
MinorYour business description has only 6 words. Consider expanding it to be more descriptive.
MinorYou have no posts listed on your Google Business Profile listing.
MinorYou have no social media profiles showing directly on your listing's Knowledge Panel. Consider adding links to your organization's social media accounts. This will provide more touch-points for a consumer.

Vulnerable Competitors

You may be able to overtake these competitors if you implement the recommendations we've outlined above.
On a pin to the north (where you are ranked #2), you have an opportunity to outrank Esthétique - Épilation et maquillage, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 0.0 with 0 reviews. Esthétique - Épilation et maquillage is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Beauty salon".
On a pin to the south (where you are ranked #2), you have an opportunity to outrank Kathleen Auclair Maquillage Permanent, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 4.7 with 30 reviews. Kathleen Auclair Maquillage Permanent is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Beauty salon".
On a pin to the northwest (where you are ranked #3), you have an opportunity to outrank Maquillage Permanent Nancy Morin, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 4.9 with 40 reviews. Maquillage Permanent Nancy Morin is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Beauty salon".

Already Complete

MajorYou have a 4.9 star rating.
MajorYou have 60 reviews.
MinorYour business name is listed as "Laurel Maquillage".
MinorYour business phone number is listed as "(418) 922-3798".
MinorYou have "Reviews from Around the Web" showing directly on your Knowledge Panel. Nice! While not a huge ranking factor, they do help your listing's prominence, and you take up more real estate on the page.
MinorYour website is listed as "".
MinorYour business hours are listed on your Google Business Profile.
This AI-generated report aims to provide a snapshot of your listing's health and suggest improvements. Exercise caution and always double-check recommendations before implementation, as they may not be a perfect fit for your business.


Prepared by Local Falcon Team
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at