Scan Report

Searching "restaurant with bar" on Google Maps for:

BAR RŌNINView on Google
948 W Erie Plaza Dr, Erie, PA 16505
Japanese restaurant, Modern izakaya restaurant+1 more


Searched using a 7 x 7 grid with a 0.5mi radius covering 1mi2

The center point for this grid is 42.1068389, -80.1339487

Search performed on October 17, 2023, 6:39 PM

AI Report Analysis

We analyzed organic Google search results near Erie, PA for queries related to your business, BAR RŌNIN. You have 39 competitors in this area. Overall, you are doing great compared to your competitors in terms of average rank position, average total rank position, and share of local voice. However, there is still room for optimization and improvement. It would be beneficial for you to search for more competitive keywords and consider expanding your search radius to see how your business listing performs in other areas. Your strengths lie in having a higher rating than your top competitor. In terms of performance by region, you are doing very well in the northeast, east, north, southeast, northwest, south, and west regions, but there is room for improvement in the southwest region. Our major recommendation is to add secondary categories such as "Bar & grill," "Bar," and "Restaurant" to compete with your top competitors. Additionally, you should focus on gathering more reviews as your top competitor has significantly more reviews than you. Keep up the good work and continue optimizing your business profile!


MajorSecondary Categories: Your top 1 competitors are listing categories you don't have listed and ranking well. Consider adding "Bar & grill", "Bar", and "Restaurant" to compete.
MajorYour top 1 competitors by SoLV have between 869 and 869 reviews and you have just 169. Consider ways to gather more reviews.
MinorOrganic search results are showing Ronin instead of BAR RŌNIN here.
MinorOrganic search results are showing Bar Ronin instead of BAR RŌNIN here.
MinorOrganic search results are showing Bar Ronin instead of BAR RŌNIN here.
MinorOrganic search results are showing BAR RONIN instead of BAR RŌNIN here.
MinorOrganic search results are showing Bar Ronin instead of BAR RŌNIN here.
MinorGoogle Organic Search seems to be displaying 5 results with conflicting business name information (when compared to your business name and/or phone number on Google Business Profile). You may want to perform a more comprehensive citation audit.
MinorYou have no posts listed on your Google Business Profile listing.

Vulnerable Competitors

You may be able to overtake these competitors if you implement the recommendations we've outlined above.
On a pin to the northwest (where you are ranked #2), you have an opportunity to outrank Colony Pub & Grille, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 4.2 with 869 reviews. Their location is 0.41 mi from the pin whereas you are 0.24 mi. Your location's closer distance from this pin gives you a competitive advantage. Colony Pub & Grille is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Bar & grill", "Bar" and "Restaurant".
On a pin to the southwest (where you are ranked #3), you have an opportunity to outrank Applebee's Grill + Bar, who is ranked #2 and has a star rating of 4.2 with 1572 reviews. Their location is 0.47 mi from the pin whereas you are 0.37 mi. Your location's closer distance from this pin gives you a competitive advantage. Applebee's Grill + Bar is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Restaurant", "American restaurant", "Bar & grill", "Diner", "Family restaurant", "Hamburger restaurant", "Steak house" and "Traditional American restaurant".
On a pin to the southeast (where you are ranked #4), you have an opportunity to outrank That Place on 26th Street, who is ranked #2 and has a star rating of 4.4 with 428 reviews. Their location is 0.98 mi from the pin whereas you are 0.71 mi. Your location's closer distance from this pin gives you a competitive advantage. That Place on 26th Street is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Bar & grill", "Bar", "Pub" and "Sports bar".
On a pin to the north (where you are ranked #2), you have an opportunity to outrank The Cork 1794, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 4.4 with 809 reviews. The Cork 1794 is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Restaurant" and "Bar".
On a pin to the southwest (where you are ranked #5), you have an opportunity to outrank El Canelo Mexican Restaurant, who is ranked #4 and has a star rating of 4.4 with 923 reviews. El Canelo Mexican Restaurant is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Mexican restaurant" and "Restaurant".
On a pin to the southwest (where you are ranked #5), you have an opportunity to outrank Ugly Tuna Tavern, who is ranked #3 and has a star rating of 4.4 with 564 reviews. Ugly Tuna Tavern is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Bar".
On a pin to the west (where you are ranked #5), you have an opportunity to outrank Underdog BBQ, who is ranked #2 and has a star rating of 4.4 with 1559 reviews. Underdog BBQ is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Restaurant" and "Bar".
On a pin to the southeast (where you are ranked #4), you have an opportunity to outrank Haggerty's Bar & Dinor, who is ranked #1 and has a star rating of 4.2 with 390 reviews. Haggerty's Bar & Dinor is using the following categories which are different from yours: "Bar" and "Pub".

Already Complete

MajorYour top 1 competitors have star ratings from 4.2 to 4.2 and your rating is 4.5.
MinorYour business name is listed as "BAR RŌNIN".
MinorYour business phone number is listed as "(814) 920-4100".
MinorYou have "Reviews from Around the Web" showing directly on your Knowledge Panel. Nice! While not a huge ranking factor, they do help your listing's prominence, and you take up more real estate on the page.
MinorYour website is listed as "".
MinorYour business description is listed as "A contemporary Japanese Izakaya in the heart of the West Erie Plaza by chefs Dan Kern and Adam Williams. Featuring a full service bar, multiple private dining rooms and a beautiful open chef's kitchen in Erie, PA."[...]".
MinorYour business hours are listed on your Google Business Profile.
MinorYou have social media profiles showing directly on your Knowledge Panel. While not a huge ranking factor, they do help your listing's prominence, and your listing takes up more real estate on the page.
This AI-generated report aims to provide a snapshot of your listing's health and suggest improvements. Exercise caution and always double-check recommendations before implementation, as they may not be a perfect fit for your business.


Prepared by Local Falcon Team
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